Honors Include: Three Overall Excellence Finalists, including one for Magazine of the Year (Professional Builder); two for Cross-Platform Package of the Year (Imaging Technology News and the Water Infrastructure Group); and a total of 10 National and 16 Regional Finalist Honors
Arlington Heights, Illinois, March 18, 2019 — The American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) has announced its 2019 National and Regional Awards of Excellence Finalists. Scranton Gillette Communications/SGC Horizon is pleased to announce it has earned a total of 30 awards across the following 10 brands: Construction Equipment, Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology, Imaging Technology News, Professional Builder, ProTradeCraft.com, Roads & Bridges, Water & Wastes Digest, Industrial Water & Wastes Digest, Storm Water Solutions, and Water Quality Products (the Water Infrastructure Group).
“We’re proud to see so many of our brands, across multiple platforms, continue to receive acknowledgment for the market-leading content and data each offers,” said Ed Gillette, CEO of the family-owned company, first established in 1905. “Our exceptional content creators and stellar designers are to be commended for their commitment to quality,” added Gillette.
ASBPE’s Azbee Awards of Excellence honor the best in business-to-business media, recognizing outstanding work by B2B, trade association and professional publications. One of the competitive award programs for trade media, the Azbees highlight editorial, online and design excellence with magazines, newsletters and digital media. For 2019, ASBPE reported that it received more than 1,000 entries in 68 categories.
Overall Excellence finalists earned by the company include: Professional Builder, for Magazine of the Year; as well as two in the Cross-Platform Package of the Year category, for both Imaging Technology News and the Water Infrastructure Group (Storm Water Solutions, Water & Wastes Digest, Industrial Water & Wastes Digest, and Water Quality Products). A total of 10 National Finalist honors were secured, and 16 Regional Finalists.
Professional Builder, an SGC Horizon brand, received an Overall Excellence Finalist Honor for Magazine of the Year, for its January, February, March issues, which also earned a National Finalist Honor. The “Special Report: 2018 Housing Giants” received a Regional Finalist honor. Additionally, Professional Builder received National and Regional Finalist Honors for both its “Risk Diverse” and “Play Ahead” print news submissions.
Also within the SGC Horizon brand, Construction Equipment earned National and Regional Finalist Honors for “Telematics Contribute to Project Success,” and its “Annual Report & Forecast.”
ProTradeCraft.com, another SGC Horizon product, earned National and Regional Finalist Honors for its video, “An Insulated Floating Subfloor over a (Slabless) Slab,” and is a Regional Finalist for two online submissions, “Roof Flashing Guide: From Drip Edge to Valley Flashing” and “Fall Protection Guide.”
Imaging Technology News, in addition to being an Overall Excellence Finalist, earned National Finalist recognition for Cross-Platform Package of the Year for its “Cross Platform Coverage of a Hospital” submission. The magazine also secured Regional Finalist Honors in the Single Topic Coverage by a Team category for its online “Team Coverage of Proton Therapy,” and for its “Insights in the Medical Imaging Industry,” for its Regular Column, Contributed.
Diagnostic and Interventional Cardiology is a National and Regional Finalist for its online submission, “DAIC Reaches 100,000 People or More Each Month on Social Media.”
Roads & Bridges magazine’s coverage of the Florida International University bridge collapse earned multiple Azbee honors. On the same topic, its Special Section is a National and Regional Finalist, and its e-newsletter submission earned a Regional Finalist honor, as did Roads & Bridges’ Podcast, “Revitalizing East Chicago, Ind., with a Bridge.”
For its part, the Water Infrastructure Group (consisting of Storm Water Solutions, Water & Wastes Digest, Industrial Water & Wastes Digest, and Water Quality Products), earned recognition as Finalists for Cross-Platform Package of the Year in both the Overall Excellence Award, and a National Finalist.
Storm Water Solutions has been recognized as a Regional Finalist for two submissions, including a “Tunnel Vision” video and a “Wildfire Warnings” news report.
Water Quality Products is a Regional Finalist for its news submission, “Coping in Cape Town.”
Azbee Awards are being given both nationally and regionally in Print, Online, All Content and Design Divisions and given nationally in three Overall Excellence categories: Magazine of the Year, Website of the Year, and Cross-Platform Package of the Year.
The Upper Midwest regional winners — gold, silver or bronze — will be announced April 11 in Chicago. National gold, silver and bronze winners, and the Overall Excellence winners, will be announced at the National Azbee Awards of Excellence banquet, held in conjunction with GenerationB2B, the 2019 ASBPE National Conference at the Poynter Institute in St. Petersburg, FL, on May 9-10, 2019.
For more information on the American Society of Business Publication Editors (ASBPE) and its Azbee Awards Program, visit www.asbpe.org. For more information on Scranton Gillette Communications/SGC Horizons brands, online resources and events, visit www.scrantongillette.com, or www.sgchorizon.com.